Tuesday, March 01, 2005

More Pictures in the park

I attempted taking another two rolls of film this morning to ensure that at least one roll was able to be processed. Hopefully at least some of the pictures turn out ok. I didn't spend nearly as much time setting up pictures this time. It was a good and bad day to take pictures because the snow could cause over-exposure, however, it made the trees look pretty.
I didn't have much time so instead of spending 3 hours on 20 pictures I spent 1 hour on 60. Oh well...more room for error. I didn't see much wild-life this time though. I may have caught a bird or a squirrel here and there. The water was snow-covered and not nearly as nice as when it was broken-up ice. It gave me some good excericise though. Let me tell you, trudging through 3 feet of snow to get a picture of some burdock or thistle better be worth it. Hahaha
I gave my presentation for my cognitive psychology seminar today. It was on an article that my teacher wrote so I was scared that I wouldn't do it justice...I think it went pretty well though none of the class participated (again). It's not my fualt the article was 31 pages long and noone had read it....however I guess I still loose marks for discussion in all fairness.
Anyways, I have so much work to do so I should get to it. Hopefully I will find time for a break later tongiht to watch HOUSE!!



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