Wednesday, March 02, 2005

another day...

So, I'm one more day closer to the dreaded biochem exam. In fact I havn't thought much about anything else lately. I got a couple of good marks back today. I got a 90 on my presentation I did yesterday, which I guess is good seeing as the prof was critical of how I presented her work. I almost wish my mark was a few points lower or higher so that I wasn't sitting borderline A+. That's the worst place to be sitting in a class in my opinion. It puts too much pressure on for the final exam (which this class doesn't have...just a big proposal paper) because you are SOO CLOSE to that A+. If I got a lower grade I'd just give up on the A+ and I wouldn't be dissappointed with an A...oh school....the better you do the more you expect from yourself. That's what I find.
Anyways, I got a 94% on my statistics exam which is good. I lost stupid marks too which is annoying but apparently I had one of the top marks cause the prof decided to give free stats textbooks to the top three grades...."understanding statistics in the behavioral sciences" haha. Just another textbook I'll never have time to open. Oh well, I guess it was the thought that counts.
Anyways, so I've had an ok day besides the chemistry exam that is coming far too quickly, so I should go study some more...I guess I can only do my best. Funny how some things come so easily to me and others it doesn't matter how much I study...I still don't get it.



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