Saturday, December 09, 2006

To Date, or Not to Date

That is the question.

So I play pool with my mom once a week. I like to play sometimes, but at other times I wish I could just sink a ball or two. I guess it comes with being a beginner.

Anyways, two weeks ago I was playing this guy. He seemed a little grumpy to start, so my natural reaction was to make jokes and try to have fun. I missed a few easy shots, but he did also. He was ranked a 4 (better than my 2!), so I had a handicap. I had to sink 19 balls before his 36 or something. But he hadn't lost a match all session, and frankly I didn't think I had a chance. But the stars were aligned for me and I started sinking all the balls that he was leaving over the pockets. He sais "how about I just leave them all over the pockets for you, and you can get all the points". Of course I said "deal!".

Anyways, I was doing really well at first, and then he got like 10 balls in a row, and I asked him what happened to our deal. He just laughed. I eventually got the last 2 balls I needed to win. He took it well. He bought me a beer, congratulated me on winning, and said he had fun. Good to hear. It sucks when someone is a bitter loser, cause that's my job, and someone's gotta loose. He said he has another team, and if I wanted to join it, I'd be welcome to. Of course I wont, cause if I wanted to play on two teams, I would play tuesday nights with mama dukes too.

Anyways, last week he asks mom if he can ask me out. I think that's a little weird. I love my mom, and it's hilarious that she gets to screen my dates! Anyways, he's older (but I don't know by how much...?). It makes me nervous. I don't think I want to date...ever. It's too nerve racking. I'm not good at having fun under pressure. It's a confidence boost if nothing else, but it makes me scared to grow up a cat lady (actually, I'd choose yorkies cause they're way cuter!). But you get the point.

And apparently I give "bad body language" to people without even realizing it. I'm a dating disaster. And how come I don't have cute boys closer to my age trying to date me? Geeze.

Cheer Bear my ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what exactly does aron mean when he says "mama dukes can be mean looking"???
I'm not mean! and "might be beat up"??
Now about Aaron...I think you just are a big scaredy cat and so is he, that's why he asked me!
I have his him, send him and email, buy him a beer! or not...whatever, I am not your dating coordinator..I wouldn't even try anymore!

4:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Aimee, you knew I'd leave a comment eh?
I say date... If not for any other reason than to go out, get to know a new person, and have fun. That being said, I'm sure you've heard some of my dating disasters... so I know it's not ALL fun and games. I think the biggest problem is if you start having expectations, or as Aron mentioned above, if you try to impression person x. When you start over thinking things (ahem), you stress yourself out and you're no longer yourself... and the date is no longer fun. It sounded like you had fun with this person playing pool, why not try a date? Oh and the asking your mom thing is a *bit* weird but maybe it's just b/c she was there with you and he would have felt awkward otherwise?? i got nothing. And... age doesn't matter. My sister's dating a 36-year old ;)

10:24 AM  

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