Friday, March 16, 2007

Stranger Than Fiction

That's the movie I watched today.
It was good, and I would recommend it.
The basic plot is a guy who leads a mundane life, and then one day wakes up and hears a woman's voice in his head narrating his life.

So I was thinking about it, and I think it would be awsome if this actually happened. Not because I would want to hear voices, but because it would make you exceptionally aware of all of the things that you were doing right and wrong in your life because you would think about all of your actions, and you thoughts. But it would get tricky becuase you could presumably hear the voie, so you would think about it. Then the voive would have to narrate you tinking about it, and it would become very circular. The movie actually did a good job at ignoring that issue.

On another note...I'm really happy today. I have no idea why. Nothing special happened today that would make me happy. Maybe the opposite actually. Last night, I played pool and lost horribly. Maybe more horribly then ever before. So that should have made me cranky. And it's a few degrees coler than yesterday. So it's not warming up. But, it is light out when I go to and from work, which is nice.

So I'm not sure why I feel so happy. I was smiling while walking down the street. I never do that. I love when people do, but I never understood it. And I still don't to be honest, but I caught myself doing it.

It's Friday, wich is nice, but I have to work tomorrow, so for me it might as well be Monday or whatever. I might go hang out with Gemini tongiht though, so I guess that's a bonus on Friday :) Other than that, I'm just happy in general. I'm not going to complain about it. Sure beats being miserabe :P


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