Monday, November 12, 2007

? Random ? Bad Blogger

I haven't wanted to blog. It's not because I have nothing to say, or that there is something that I am avoiding talking about. It's more because I'm lazy when it comes to writing these days. I find my internal dialogue even a little bit boring, and I feel like I am not very interesting.

My weekdays have been spent working on never-ending data analysis that doesn't seem to want to go right no matter how many times I play with it and re-do it. My weekends have been uneventful for the most part. Spending time with Gemini, and playing poker to get out of the house.

Speaking of poker - I learned to play.
I hated it at first, but I was OK at it. My skill has evolved over the last two months or so, in that I now understand the rules for the most part, and I know what hands beat which (for the most part). But the more I learn I find the worse I actually get at playing. I've started thinking too much, and I end up folding hands I should have taken chances on. If you know poker, this means I basically just bet chips and then fold the hand, so I end up never winning because I'm too scared to play it out till the end. It sucks.

Besides that, nothing is new. I need to start opening my eyes and ears for stupid people again or something so I'll have something interesting to say.

And in case you are acne is only partially cleared from last month. It really has an emotional attachment to my face now I think.


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