Once Upon a Time...

Sisters? Who woulda thunk?

Once upon a time there was a little girl, who was mommy's little princess. One day when she was too young to understand sharing or pregnancy, mommy told princess that she has another little baby brother or sister in her belly. Princess wasn't sure what this meant, but the day her baby sister was born she found out that she had to share her mommy. This made princess a little jelous, but then again, she had a brand new little sister to take care of.
The new little girl was called Pumpkin, and she was quiet, and cute, and perfect in every way...well, except that she never smiled for a single picture mommy took, especially if there was a dress involved, and some other minor details...give her a break would ya?
Anyways, princess taught pumpkin all the things she needed to know to get through life. How to pee in the potty, and share crayons with the other kids. She learned a few things on the way, like how to ride a bike and climb a tree. These were things that Pumpkin learned faster then princess, naturally.
When Princess was 8, her and Pumpkin learned that they were going to have to share their mommy once again. Another brother or sister was coming in mommy's belly. They were both going to be BIG sisters, and so they practiced their hand at pushing a stroller, and changing a diper. All the fun stuff that big sisters wanted to try. When their sister arrived, they loved her and hugged her, and accidently dropped her a few times, but never on purpose. They called her sweet pea.
Sweet pea grew up faster then anyone was ready. She hit kindergarden before the blink of an eye, and sooner then mommy knew, her little girls were all in big-people school. Princess and Pumpkin had some rough times, and weren't always best friends. They moved out to go to a far away land that was dark and dreary, to learn all the lessons they didn't have yet. They were best friends. Sweet pea stayed home with mommy and got used to having her all to herself. When Princess and Pumpkin came home for visits they were mommy-selfish. Sweet Pea was all grown up, and her big sisters had missed a great deal of getting to know the new young woman.
One summer, a prince came along and snatched up Princess and took her to his castle. It was the most beautiful castle that Princess had ever seen, and she longed to stay there, and marry the prince, and live happily ever after. The princess was showered with gifts, and all-at-once learned what it felt like to be loved. She neglected the friendship she once had with Pumpkin, and spent many days away at the wonderful castle.
Pumpkin and Sweet Pea grew close. Pumpkin knew how lucky she was that she could be close to each one of her sisters. The summer got hot, and Sweet Pea and Pumpkin learned to share mommy with each other. They played together, and worked together, and soon found themselves sharing more then just a mommy. Pumpkin was glad.
Princess and her Prince lived happily ever after.
The End.
LMAO Pumpkin! You rock and your Mommy LOVES YOU!!!
I'm glad you have a big sister and a little sister that have taught you so well, to share, to love and to be a sarcastic little Beotch!
Love you bunchs!
Pumpkin, may I call you that for the moment (it's makes it feel special). You are too cute and I am glad that you and you're sisters are getting along.
P.s, has DD#1 gotten married off over the weekend?
Thanks for the post.
She hasn't been married, but she might as well be...
Vicious!, you should probably start to hide from your sisters wrath never mind Mommy wrath!
Good post! LMAO!
Love Mom
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