Thursday, December 22, 2005

The turkey is getting phat

Hahaha, I made a joke....get it? Phat instead of fat? We're going to have the coolest turkey around this x-mas. But that's not the point of my blog.

I have been busting my butt with whatever helpers I can string together (Thanks to Rino, Rob, Greg, Wilson, Jen, Matt, Brianne, and Anita) to get the renovation on the basement done before christmas arrives. This has been quite a task but it's nearly done. The main room is more-or-less completed, and livable. The christmas tree is standing (finally) and will be decorated tongiht while I sip eggnog and admire my work of art.

As for the "office" room, the flooring needs to be layed still, and the desks built, but hopfully with any luck (and some cash money) this wont take too long. I don't know why we decided to do a overhaul of the ugly basement right before christmas, but honestly it is totally worth it, and we will look soo cute in the christmas pictures this year. I guess there is no good time to drop a crap-load of cash into the house, but in my oppinion any time you can scrounge the money is a great time. We will soon look back on all this work and laugh about how close we came to not having a tree.

To those of you wondering where I've been, go check out my mom's blog ( and see some pictures (hopefully posted soon). Talk about 200% improvement.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I am in the midst of writing my thesis proposal and I needed something to eat. I grabbed a grapefruit, and while making a mess of myself, my keyboard, and my computer screen, I wondered...why do they call it grapefruit?
It doesn't resemble grapes, nore is it grown on a vine.
I'm confused.
And I think of weird stuff when I am trying to procrastinate.

Also, I learned in my developmental class that researchers are studying the affects of drinking mass amounts of bottled water. Apparently, when they test the water it is before it is bottled. But after, chemicals from the plastic are leaching into the water. One of these chemicals is similar in structure to estrogen, and so they use this as an explaination for the increasing number of gay men, and "super-sexed" females (ie. hitting puberty early, large breasts etc.).

Just some things to think about while you avoid working...