Thursday, October 18, 2007


Pimples are a part of life.
I get them when I'm stressed, or when I'm PMSing, or when I eat greasy food, or any combination of those things.
But I have this problem with the fact that I am currently breaking out like I'm mid-puberty and can't get these things to go away.
So right now, as you read this posting, I have at least (some are inseparable now since they are starting a pile-on fest around my mouth!!) least 8 rather large bright red pimples. They have claimed residence around the corners of my mouth mostly, though I've heard rumors of prime real estate elsewhere.
I'm pissed.

I can't look in the mirror and take myself seriously. All I see is acne.

And then I understand why all of those people who watch Jessica Simpson or whoever on the Proactive commercials are so easily convinced to start paying ridiculous amounts of money for face wash. I would do many things to make this go away. It's painful and ugly, and I am teaching. I hate standing up in front of a large group of people and watching people focus on my mouth, and mid-sentence wondering if they are trying to read my lips or count how many zits there are.

I know I'm being a drama queen, but I have to pretend to be like a girl sometimes right? Otherwise I'll lose my steady supply of estrogen and before I know it I'll have a permanently lowered voice.

On the bright side of things...It's almost Halloween, which means it's almost Christmas (and I LOVE christmas!!). I need costume ideas. Something funny, and warm (cause I'll be outdoors all night). And BONUS points for you if you can think of something that can be done as a couple, and even better if it's Cheap**
Thursday, October 04, 2007

Confession Thursday

It's Thursday, and it's early, and I haven't blogged in a long time. I can't think of anything, I have no ideas. My creativity is MIA, and nothing is sparking a good blog. So as always if someone has a topic for me, I'd be happy to bitch/talk/give my opinion on it. But in the mean time, I have some confessions to make:

1. I don't actually like playing pool (billiards) all that much. It's something I do every Thursday for the last year or so. I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. So why do I go you ask? Why would I pay money and spend time every week for something I don't really love? Because I love that I get to spend a night with Mama Dukes. We laugh and have fun. We have dinner together, sometimes a pedicure, and chat and bitch about our days (even if they aren't that bad really!). It's my guaranteed time with my mom, and so I look forward to Thursdays. But today Mama Dukes isn't coming, and I can't say I'm super-excited about going alone. I'll get through it though, but I'll miss her.

2. I judge you. I can't help it, that's what I've decided. I don't usually have a bad opinion of people immediately, but if you give me a reason, I will judge you. And it doesn't have to be something obvious, though it often is. For example, on the train this morning, I overheard a man talking politics to his quad of fellow commuters. He said "well, don't you think that voting should be limited to the portion of the population that is intelligent? The educated people should be the ones making the decisions" And I thought "HEY DUDE!! Does that mean you are giving up your right to vote you F'n ignorant @ssh*le?!!" and then I hated myself for a minute for hating people who were just born and raised to be jerks. Maybe it's not entirely their fault.

That's all for today.