Monday, February 27, 2006

Update Blog

So, my life has been busy as usual, but I have been off of school for reading week, and hence have not blogged. Something about having few things to procrastinate makes blogging a little less fun. But I figured I'd pull the 'ol update blog to keep you all in the loop.

First and foremostly, I want to get into grad school at University of Toronto. For those of you who don't know, I had met with a prof from there that studies the function of sleep (we met for the first time a few weeks ago). He likes me and he wants to take me into his lab for the next two years but he can't seem to get me accepted for sure. It's a funding issue it seems, so the school needs to make sure they can guarentee me some sort of funding, cause God knows I already have enough debt.

But to make a long story a little-less-long, I met with him again last week, and I also met some of the people that work with (and around) him. We all chatted and had lunch at a pub in TO. It was quite a lot of fun, and he asked if I would work in the lab over the summer (assuming he gets funding to accept me) which is fan-freakin-tabulous because it means I don't have to sit and cry every day looking for a summer job for 3 months...but it all rides on if I get in.

Also...I hate my computer. It is slow and heavy, and for these reasons I avoid dragging it around with me whenever possible. This is the reason why I didn't have the program I needed to write my paper over reading week, and subsequently the reason why I pulled yet another all-nighter trying to finish the paper on Sunday night. My computer / internet was soo slow that it wouldn't load a single page last night. I couldn't even check my email. So, this morning I came to school bright and early intending to finish it up. BUT after 2 hours work saving reference articles to the desktop (to be emailed when I was finished) someone turned off my computer! You see, I was in a public computer lab and people in university aren't always that I lost everything.

So, to sum it all up...I need to get accepted to grad school so I can go and buy a laptop. It's not cheap but I have wanted one for a very long time, and I promised myself in 3rd year university that if (and when) I finally get the acceptence letter saying that one day I'll make a whole lot of money and be able to pay off my student loans, that I will invest. And I will be happy to be rid of floppy discs, emailing myself a hundred times a day, sharing shitty internet with 7 people, and loosing work because university kids are morons. And that's that.

In other news, my baby (ie Honey) got a little infection in her belly stitches (from when she got spayed) so she was a little sore, and needed to be tended to. Grandma (ie. my mama dukes) took her to the vet to get fixed up. They popped the boyle (eew) and put her on antibiotics. She's getting better already, and is as cute as ever.

My sister and Matt celebrated their one-year anniversary this week. Congrats!

It's mama dukes' birthday in 6 days :)

And...I am officially finished school in 54 days and counting...

Life is good...


Blogger Aimee said...

Firstly, I was sitting at the computer the whole time doing nothing that resembled "silly". The big rectangle part of the computers are in a cubby next to you. Instead of turning her computer on by pressing the power button on the left, she chose instead to hit my power button on the right...thus turning off my computer.

Secondly, the landlord came and replaced the box thingy with green flashy lights in my room. The internet is OK now.

8:26 PM  

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