Thursday, March 30, 2006

I have a Bone to Pick

Firstly, this is the second blog I've had to re-write in 2 days because computers suck! But that's besides the point.

My issue is with university students (and people in general).

The weather is nice in Waterloo. It has been sunny for two days running, and the temperature is reaching paramount +4 degrees. So it's nice, but it's not that nice.

This kind of weather to university kids though, justifyies the following;

1. Break out the flip-flops!
2. Wow, I'm glad I paid for that tan all winter...!
3. Does this tank top match my jean mini-skirt?
4. Wanna sit out on the porch and drink a couple beers at 10 AM?
5. That's it! I'm going back to platinum blonde, this "natural" colour just doesn't suit me anymore...

Am I the only one who's still cold when not wearing a jacket? And how do they afford that tan? I look like freakin Casper the ghoast, and I haven't produced one stich of melanin all year. I'm clear in comparison to these jelous

And I don't even own a pair of sequened tragic


Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe sequined flip flops should be on the shopping agenda for this weekend..I wouldn't want my baby to miss out on that fun. BTW, Tan in the Wild called to say you have minutes still available from 2 years ago and maybe you wanna use them! LOL

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What size do you wear and is that with the thing between the toe?

5:13 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...


I was being sarcastic. I don't really want flip flops with sequins. LOL

Sorry that wasn't obvious.

tee hee hee

You make me laugh :)

6:12 AM  
Blogger Dinah said...

I am very much tanless... and I will remain so year-round.

I do own flip-flops, but they are blue striped, not sequined, and I only wear them in the shower.

1:25 PM  

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