I am easily amused. I admit it. It doesn't take much to make me laugh, and sometimes at the most inappropriate times. Like the time I was on the train and there are these new little TV things that are lined along the ceiling in some of the newer train cars. There was a commercial for Hepititis vaccinations and I laughed out loud. Very inappropriate to say the least. I laughed because of the time we played the random game, and the category was "Things that are yellow" and Robbie said "People with hepititis". I will forever think hepititis is funny. I'm evil, and I'm going to hell. It's OK though, I've accepted it.
So last night I'm blowdrying my hair in my room, and Gemini is laying on my bed bored out of his mind, but I know I don't need to amuse him. He amuses me. It's practically his job. So, he's laying the and I'm occupied. I turn around and he's playing with Hunny's toys. The night before she had ripped some of the fluff out of her green "Bedtime baby" and he thought this was amusing. So, he grabs the nearest bedtime toys Hunny has left around (for which she has hundreds, even after I threw out a whole garbage bag full the other day) and he does this:
Which is funny in and of itself...even at first glance. But let me zoom in a little for you, so that you can get the full effect:
No, you aren't imagining it...that is a tiny fluff penis and matching fluff testicles! I laughed alot. And continued to laugh about it as I grabbed the camera and captured it to share with the blogging world. The funniest part was when Hunny noticed all of her babies lined up she got pissed off. She barked at me until I put her up on the bed so she could disassemble them, and make the scene a little more PG.

I guess she wasn't as amused as I was...she actually looked a little pissed about it, I'm not going to lie:

So last night I'm blowdrying my hair in my room, and Gemini is laying on my bed bored out of his mind, but I know I don't need to amuse him. He amuses me. It's practically his job. So, he's laying the and I'm occupied. I turn around and he's playing with Hunny's toys. The night before she had ripped some of the fluff out of her green "Bedtime baby" and he thought this was amusing. So, he grabs the nearest bedtime toys Hunny has left around (for which she has hundreds, even after I threw out a whole garbage bag full the other day) and he does this:

I guess she wasn't as amused as I was...she actually looked a little pissed about it, I'm not going to lie:

that's my girl! Damn she's cute! Always a good source of entertainment!!
That is quite the story, it has added some amusement to my day. It will be interesting to see if dog's continue to gain more interesting mental attributes as we continue to domesticate them.
Way to keep them in line Honey.
P.s the fluffy testies.
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