Sunday, July 10, 2005

The Time Has Come

Last night I bartended a party for my friend Tracy's aunt's 60th birthday. This was a one-time gig as a favor to a friend. It was fun and all, but I'm not sure I'm the person to stand around and watch a party go on. I would much rather join in the fun. Either way I would probably have a sore back but let me just entire body is killing me. The function was held in a really nice hall, with a backyard that held most of the people. I was also set up outside, so really, there was no bar. But a table and some ice chests, and a lot of bending over.

Now I did make one smart choice (thanks to advice form my mom). I wore running shoes. Oh wait, two decisions, I also brought a bottle opener. Just twisting the caps off of pop bottles all night left me incapable of opening my own water bottle this morning. I like to work, and I don't mind serving people, but to be honest, my body doesn't. I forgot what it feels like to be bending and twisting for hours and hours.

Thankfully, the people were friendly and patient with me, even when the cork screw broke and I couldn't open wine for a few minutes. This was the most flustered part of the evening, and it passed. It was open bar, so I didn't have to deal with cash, and I got a decent amount in tips. I couldn't complain. I do think that the majority of the tips came from a few people (the drum player in particular).

Anyways, tomorrow morning I start training at Rabba fine foods. The time has come. I'm not sure what the details of the job are, but I walked in and they agreed to train me. I imagine it's minimum wage for a few hours a week, but it's something. I couldn't turn down a job at this point. I had given up on working and had plans to work on my thesis, go to a cottage and chill out with my mama on her holidays, but then a job fell into my lap. It figures really. I should have given up earlier. It was almost as if as soon as I committed to not making any money (filling out my OSAP application with $0 summer income) it happened. Soo ironic...

Anyways, maybe I'll have a couple days off to participate in the week of fun that was planned. If not, I suppose there will be other summers, and other days to hang out at the beach, or in Toronto etc. And there's always the weekends.

Today we had a baseball game, where it was Freakin' hot and I was sweating like crazy. It was too hot to move, so I can't blame our team for losing terribly. But it was fun just the same. I love to sit in the afternoon and watch ball. Fun times.

We went for ice cream at Baskin n' Robins, which was also good. Topped the day off with a couple of games of crib, in the shade of our backyard. This is my new favorite game, and I think I'll eventually reach a point where I'll be sick of it, and never want to count to 15 again in my life, but not for now, probably not till the end of the summer, and then it'll be time to get back to school anyways.

Anyway, I need to get some sleep, so I'm well rested for the morning. Hopefully my body will hold out till the end of the shift. If not, I'll be out of a job again, and back to the beach *wink wink*



Blogger Beware: Social Worker on the edge said...

Congrats on the job!
I hope that it is not labour intensive and you are able to spend some time with mama this week.

7:21 AM  

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