Fun in the Sun

Anyways, as you can see behind Bri, Gullivers (or Guvillers...I never know) is a beatiful little beach on which I spent a few days this summer. Soaking up the hot sun (I know you can't tell, shut up!) during my extended period of unemployment. I can't think of many better ways to spend a summer day, than with my family or my best friend at the beach.

For those of you whom have not had the pleasure of meeting my best friend Rachel, this is her, and she's sometimes as sweet as she looks in that picture. As you can tell, when I'm at the beach with her, I don't have to be worried about people looking at my pasty ass! Anyways, we had a great time blowing up those rafts. The first time we went, we pumped the air pump thing for an hour, and couldn't figure out why it wasn't full yet. Rachels brother eventually showed up and used his muscles not only to pump the air pump, but to put the plug in the hole that was letting all the air out. Smart eh? I know...
Thanks for the pictures
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