March of the Penguins

Basically, this is a documentary about Emperor penguins that make the long (70mile) treck to the spot they were born every year to find a mate. This is the thickest spot of ice so the penguoins gathe rhere for 9 months of the year to raise their chicks. The problem is, it is very far from the sea, and so the poor penguins don't eat for months at a time.
As you can see above, the penguins are very cute, and the chicks are even cuter. They mate with one partner each year, and spend all of there time concentrating on keeping the egg / chick alive and warm in the -50 degree weather (not including wind chill). Many die, and it's sad. But at the same time, it is amazing the journey these birds take throughout their life.
The mating rituals are beautiful, and the movie is narrated by Morgan Freeman. I encourrage you to go visit the website to see some pictures and get a great synopsis.
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