Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Technology Sucks, and so do I

So, do you remember the fabulous memory stick I bought weeks ago?
Well it has my whole life on it
And...I left it in a public computer

It's gone, and with it goes all of the work I've done on my thesis.
Multiple partially-completed essays and assignments
All the work I've done for my stats TA job
My grad school information
My Whole Life pretty much

so, I'm cranky, and discourraged, and I guess I'd better get to work trying to put my life back together before the end of the term comes and I drop out of school

Sick of me complaining yet? Yeah, me too


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you need to put out a reward for it
even if it costs you what the memory stick is worth
call your mom!

9:43 AM  
Blogger Aimee said...

I put up posters saying I don't care if I get it back, they can just email me the files off of it and keep the stick. I don't want it anymore anyways...useless.

10:56 AM  

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