Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why am I so Excitable?

So, I'm nerdy or geeky or a brainer, or whatever the "cool" kids choose to call it these days. I like science, and learning, and I plan to stay in (or close to) school for probably the rest of my life. This is weird, I know, BUT I'm not the only one, it turns out.

I was hanging out with Gemini yesterday (what a gorgeous day by the way!! wow), and we went for a walk, and chatted. It was really nice. We decided to go for walks once a week, but I digress. So, he gets a phonecall on the way back from our walk. It's his "cousin" (who isn't actually his blood relative, but a very very good family friend). We'll name her "Physics Girl" for the sake of a screen name. She asks him if he wants to go out for a drink or something, cause she's had a bad day. He agrees of course because he's a people pleaser, and who wouldn't want to help a friend out in a time of need.

So she stops by his house, and we head to a local pub for a drink. Now, I have met physics girl before, but only ever under circumstances where we were going out as a group, and there was never really any chance to talk one-on-one. But last night there was. And I find out she's a nerd just like me (well not JUST like me, but close). She studies physics in university, which is brave in my oppinion. You really have to be a special kind of person.

So we get to chatting about school, and Gemini is laughing the whole time about how geeky we are. He tells Physics Girl about an assignment he had due the day before. He had called me and complained about it because he couldn't find information. I did a quick search and sent him some websites. So he's telling her this, and I'm feeling embarrased, because I really like doing homework, and his was interesting. And then I get the most classic science-nerd response ever. Physics girl sais "Oh my God! I totally know what you mean! I always talk about doing physics quizzes for the first years when they get up from a computer for a minute, and then running away. Other people's work is always more fun!"

I laughed and thought
a) I am glad I met this girl
b) at least I'm not alone in the world


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes you learn the funniest things from people when you take the time to get to know them!
Now if only you could find something fun about that other piece of work in your man's world!

10:41 AM  
Blogger Colleen said...

I think it's great that you have such drive and desire to continue in school. It's your hard work and efforts that will make life a lot easier for many people someday!!!

You are a great role model and should be very proud of yourself!!!

6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it very comedic, the idea of you and physics girl, a team. We could make a movie, "Biogirl and Physics Girl, Completing Your Tests", I can just imagine the two of you, in like james bond type gear, hanging from the computer lab ceiling, waiting for the first years to move from their computer for a moment, then you swoop down and answer all their questions. You are indeed an odd duck (I saw a duck fight the other day, I might write about it, it was interesting)


10:08 AM  

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