Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I had a dream that I had a super power. I could blow things up using my mind. I went around blowing out windows and stuff while flying around this random building. I almost never have dreams like this, but I was napping. And napping is essentially "extra" sleep, so my body uses the time to have dream sleep. And my napping dreams are always bizzare.

So I'm sitting here thinking about blogging topics, because my blogs are boring lately. All I do is work, and go to the gym, and hang out with the family, or Gemini. And not to say that any of those things are boring to me, but they make for realatively repetitive blogs. For example, work is demanding, the gym is tough but good for me, my family is amazing, and Gemini is perfect. So now that we've caught up...I need blogging topics!! I have oppinions about *everything*, but I just can't come up with help me out PLEASE (begging like a little kid).

But my point was, I was thinking about blogging, and about what super-power I would choose if I had only one. I decided that although it would be cool to blow things up with my mind, I probably never would, so it would be a wasted power. Instead, I would like to be a mind reader. Like you know the guy in X-men that reads minds all crazy-like? That's what I would be like. And so nobody could lie to me, cause I'd know.

Wouldn't that be super-awsome? Except maybe for when you're with a guy who suddenly thinks "wow, her ass looks fat in those pants!" or something. That part would suck. But I imagine I'd get used to it. The truth is always easier than lies.

Oh, and it would allow me to read the minds of commuters since I already pretend to do that anyways. I wonder how many people would mind that I make up lives for them. And my supervisor at school...that would be fun.

So yeah, a mindreader...that's what I'd be.

The End


Blogger Colleen said...

I would totally be a mind reader if I could choose a super power!!!

That would be awesome!!!

I'd love to know what goes through the husband's mind sometimes - and that dumb as a brick ex of his...I'd love to tap into her narrow mind!!!

Boy, would I have something to blog about if I had that super power!!!

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


While I think this power would be tremendously useful most of the time, and quite interesting, as you admit, I feel you have touched on the main problem, a relationship.

Now, the little fat pants incident isn't the main problem, in fact, it isn't entirely a problem that you would have to deal with his negative thoughts, it is that you would have to listen to all his thoughts.

Even assuming you kept it secret, don't you think a lot of the joy of the relationship would be sapped by knowing what he was thinking at all times?

People always ask that stupid question, "what are you thinking?" at key romantic moments, it isn't just girls that do that, I have heard guys do it too.

Personally, I not only hate it when someone asks me that, but I not only wouldn't ask someone else that question, I also wouldn't want to know. Life is simple, I can figure out anything there is out there if I decided to spend my time figuring it out, but another person's thoughts are something else, there is a certain thrill in trying to figure out what someone is thinking, and then comparing that to their actions to see if you might be correct.

I think if I had that power it would be great for a year or so, I would make a tonne of money just trading things, but eventually I think I would lose my zest for life.


2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please write a blog about wehether or not you think animals, like dogs and cats, have conscious thought. That is to say, it seems evident they might have thoughts which could be represented with sentences like "I see a mouse", "I am going to attack the mouse", but clearly not in a language.

But, do they have thoughts like, "I am wondering if I SHOULD attack this mouse", or "WOULD it be fun to attack this mouse?"

Clearly of course the intricacy of the thoughts would be lesser, but the main idea is, do you think that something like a cat is operating from a machine standpoint, like an insect, just doing, or does it actually have thoughts about it's own actions?


10:23 AM  

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