Jen: “I wish I brought my squishy” – exactly 45 seconds after leaving the house (squishy is a stuffed animal thing)
Jen “I brought baby powder”
Aimee: “why?”
Mom: “Us fat people need to put it under our boobs”
Bri: “My bra holds mine up”
Mom: “Well we don’t put the bottle under our boobs!”
Jen: “Haha, we just passed choda road”
Mom: “What’s a choda?”
Jen: “The piece of skin between a guys asshole and his balls”
Aimee: “Well you asked…”
Jen: “It was like a mini geyser in my mouth!” – in reference to throwing up a little in her mouth
Most often muttered phrase (by everyone): “fuckin quebecois…”
DAY2: We wake up, set up mom's booth for work (this was a work trip first and foremost for her). We get stuck in the conference center. We can't find an exit that will let us out without sounding an alarm. Mom gets pissed while we all laugh. This was also a common pattern throughout the trip :)
So we wander down the hilly (freakin hilly!!) streets and find a little cafe called L'Oeuforie. We all order delicious fantastic Frenchie Brunch. For me, this meant creps (which were a first for me!) with strawberries and bananas and white chocolate sauce.
DAY3: Mama Dukes had to work, and it was rainy. So us three sisters wandered Quebec getting wet and causing trouble. We found the naughty video store but didn't go in. We took pictures of random people on the street who were dressed funny, and went to a museum (of civilization) where we also took pictures we weren't supposed to (so they wont be posted) so that mom could see that she didn't miss much! Then we headed back to meet mom for a bit, before she headed off again to a fancy-pants dinner on the river, and we tried to find somewhere to eat. We found a restuarant with pountine (which was important to us!) but after Jen called to see if we needed a reservation, we found out it was equivalent to A&W or some such place. We had a good laugh. We ate at a little Italian restauant. Jen had milk shoot out he nose. I got it on video. Good times. Again, in bed before 10pm.
DAY 4: Mama Dukes had to work in the morning, so we went out again. Today we found the actual naughty store. I'm not telling if we went in or not... We found a brekfast place. Brianne got rotten chocolate milk, and we took pictures of a random old crazy woman while pretending to take pictures of us. Otherwise uneventful.
DAY 5: Buffet breakfast at the hotel. I managed to steal 2 packs of caramel sauce, and a chocolate croissant (which was delicious) for the car ride home. Jen stole a pastry of some kind too. Brianne took nothing. She's learned nothing from us, obviously! Mom went back to man the booth one last time and we checked out, and went to the mall to get creton (yeah, the barfy pig fat) for the crazy French person in our house (ie. Mama Dukes) to eat on toast with mustard. We went back, collected mom, and she drove back (all 11 hours!!) the whole way, even though there were 2 willing and able drivers in the car.
On the way home it's raining, and we hit Montreal at rush hour. The highway is packed, and a woman merges without merging (not wanting to get in line, but instead trying to bypass on the shoulder). Then noone will let her in. She tries and tries, but she's screwed. And a white moving van has plans for her. She tries passing using the next off ramp. He cuts her off. We laugh. She tries to get in over and over again, but can't cause this van keeps blocking her. She throws her cell phone, she slams the stearing wheel, and is obviously raging. It's hilarious. We are all histarical in the car. She sees everyone laughing at her, and gets more pissed. She finally falls in behind moms van. Then sees an opening, and pulls out (again!) into the shoulder to get behind the white van, who proceeds to slam his breaks every four seconds almost causing an accident. I laughed so hard my throat hurt until the next day. She followed the van off the highway. I wish I could see the end of it. Like missing the end of a good movie.
The trip ended when we walked in the door to greet our puppies who missed us soo much. All in all a fantastic trip (Though I couldn't do it justice in one blog...)
Thank you so much for taking the time! I LOL all over again just reading and reliving our good times!!
I would do that over again(without the work part) anytime!
Sounds like you all had a great time Thanks for the creton
from the """guebecois"" LOL
Just like I was walking the cobble stones with yous.
As an ex-vegan who has pretty much resumed eating everything...creton is the absolute last thing I put in my bong hole. I shiver at the thought...damn Frenchies!
Glad you had a good time...I off to the Port in a week.
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