
This is Walshe's pyramid. It is the tallest natural standing pyramid in the world, and I will be hiking it on the last day that I'm in Cairns (Australia). That's assuming I can make it to the top. It's apparently quite a challange, and I can beleive it from this picture!!
I leave in 11 days. I'm nervous and scared and excited.
Expect to hear more...I'll be lonely
Good'll do it no problems. 11 days lord, your mom is going to have withdrawls.
that's pretty big, pookie! I think you shouldn't do it! It looks all tree-y and foresty with bugs and might get eaten by a Dingo...and I don't want to be able to say "a dingo took my baby!"
LOL...alright it looks like fun and I'm just jealous that I can't be with you! And Kate is there a prescription i can pick up to help with the withdrawals?
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