Monday, December 17, 2007

J-Walking is a Crime

Even for a deer.

So it's Saturday night, and Gemini and I just finished having a nice dinner with friends of his family. Afterwards, we went to a party for one of his work friends. It was in an apartment building close to the mall in our city. This area is close to the highway and some main roads. I didn't know a single person, so it was awkward at first. We went to chat on the balcony and get away from the people for a minute.

I look across the road and see the profile of a deer. I look at Gemini and back at the deer, and say "Is that a deer? It can't be real." But then I see it's ear twitch. I've only had one drink, so it can't be my imagination, right?

Then the thing moves it's whole head, and I start to freak out a bit. I tell Gemini that there's a deer across the road. And then it emerges up the little incline and stands on the sidewalk for a minute. It's huge. It would have made a lot of good summer sausage.

The deer walks down the street and crosses the road before strolling out of sight. I was amazed. I have friends who hunt, so I guess it was even more incredible knowing that people go out and sit in tree stands and wait for hours and hours to see a deer come that close. They freeze their buns off to spot deer, and I just saw one in the middle of the city walking down the road.

I'd say we're populating a little too much when their are deer J-walking in the city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm hungry!

9:23 AM  

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