Thursday, March 17, 2005

completed...last...chem lab...EVER!!

It's finally over, I have completed my last chemistry lab ever in the entire history of my education. I don't know what I will do with myself every thursday night from now until the rest of my life! Maybe I'll have to get a hobby or something. I'm going to be so lost. haha
Do you know what this means? This means 20 or so LESS hours of writing about things I know nothing about. This means having no more stress-ulcers every week in anticipation...I can't beleive it. I have to do the report still though...but it's not a full report. My freakish chem prof wants us to do one page of scientific interpretation of the lab, one page artistic interpretation ( like painting or poetry...weird) and one page on how we enjoyed the course as a whole. The lab was kinda fun actually, we mixed unknown things together and watched them change colours and make pretty patterns. Hahaha, it was a good end to my chemistry experiance. Anyways, I'm sure you've all heard enough.
Besides that, I have been dying lately. I'm pretty sure it's because I am stuck in Freud's anal stage and apparently have troubles letting go of my own personal property (ie. feces) so I'm having rediculous abdominal pain. Or maybe it's my appendix or any case, I've taken a couple of painkillers and all is good. It definitly put me out for a couple days though. I even resorted to exlax (which didn't help at ALL by the way...not all it's cracked up to be) I ate some high fibre cookies today and maybe my body will decide to give something up soon. Hahaha, anyways, enough about my personal bowl issues
I need to write a paper for one of my classes but it's one of those things that's so easy to put off. I should start it this weekend for sure. At least pick a topic or something and get started. It's not due for 3 weeks or something but I could theoretically have it off my desk as early as possible so I guess I should get on it. I have some other loose ends to tie up before finals as well, and I suppose if I want to make it home for Easter, I should get started. So enough of this "I should..." business. I think I'll go to bed and start good and early in the morning. Damn thursdays always throw me off...not anymore!!



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