Hopeless Romantic (literally)
So it's Valentine's day. Hope everyone is having a good one. And for those of you who are romantics at heart, I hope you got a nice mushy card and some flowers or something else equally useless.
So that's what he's getting. It's a band (a good band) dvd with music videos and interviews. Exactly what I wanted. But maybe the funniest Valentines gift ever. My friend yelled at me. Told me to at least get him a card with it. I did.
On the front the card reads: Here's a little card to wish you a happy valentines day
Inside: Okay! Okay! So it's not one of those fancy-schmancy cards you put out on the dining room table for everyone to read, but its got heart and that's gotta count for something right? hello?
I laughed when I picked it up. So I had to get it.
Maybe next year if I'm with a guy he might get the point. I'm a hopeless romantic. Literally.
Happy Heart Day!!
I don't like valentine's day. Not because I'm single and feeling sorry for myself (in fact I haven't been single on Valentines day in a long time). I just think it's a dumb holiday. I think people who are in love (or lust, or crush or whatever) should show it to the person they are with every day, not just one calander day of the year. That's my whole take on things.
I was asked by a friend of mine what I did last Valentine's day with Greg. I didn't remember doing anything. In fact, I don't think we ever did anything. He might have got me a card once or something, but if he did, then I don't remember anyways. But just to satisfy my need to know, I looked up the date in my past blogs to see if I'd written something about it. I laughed a lot when I read my own post from a year-and-two-days-ago. Apparently Greg called me up in Waterloo on Valentine's day to tell me he was going to a strip club...haha. Could this be where my bitterness stems from (maybe...). I'm sure the other years we were dating were just as romantic.
So this year I'm dating Gemini, and he asks if I want to do dinner or something on Valentines day. I tell him I don't do Valentines day. He says too bad. He likes it, so I'm just going to have to deal with it. Blah. I thought any guy would take the chance at getting out of this holiday but whatever. He still likes to open doors for me too, but he's getting better about it.
Anyways, so for the last week or so I've been thinking about it. I decide that if he's taking me out to dinner (for which he wont let me pay my share I'm sure), then I should probably get him something. But I don't want to get something sappy, with hearts and the whole thing. Cause really, that's just dumb. So I contemplate for a long time. I finally decide on music of some sort. We have music in common. So I'm thinking something not-so-mainstream on DVD (like music videos etc or interviews with the band). I ask around for music stores where I might be able to purchase something along these lines. I get a few answers.
So yesterday I hop on the subway in Toronto and go downtown? (I think) and I find this one music store that seems pretty good. Not everything in it was Britney Spears or whatever. So I go in. I look around. It's ok, but I have something in mind and they don't have it. So I go to another store and another (luckily these stores were within a relatively short distance from one another). And finally I come across what I was looking for. And people...if this isn't romance, I don't know what is....

On the front the card reads: Here's a little card to wish you a happy valentines day
Inside: Okay! Okay! So it's not one of those fancy-schmancy cards you put out on the dining room table for everyone to read, but its got heart and that's gotta count for something right? hello?
I laughed when I picked it up. So I had to get it.
Maybe next year if I'm with a guy he might get the point. I'm a hopeless romantic. Literally.
Happy Heart Day!!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! I'm sorry if I've destroyed your romanticism!
I'm sure he'll love the gift!!
Happy I love you Day!
Mama Dukes
Young love!!!
There's nothing like it!!!
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