Sunday, October 22, 2006

I am weird

So I got tagged by Brianne so I shall complete the tag by stating 10 weird things about myself. I would cheat and use the six weird things I had to post here, but I am weird enough that I'll use originals.

1. I don't usually crave sweets
I love food, and crave all sorts of food all the time. But my usual cravings include salty options such as veggies with salt. My most craved item: green beans with butter and salt.

2. I don't like to sleep
I enjoy a good nap once in a while, but generally I don't like to sleep. I feel like I'm wasting time, and there are so many other things I could do with my time. So, I'm chronically sleep deprived and my lab likes to make fun of me for it. I do this to rats, and they laugh that I impose the same restriction on myself.

3. I hate shopping (with some exceptions)
I hate shopping for clothes. I have a weird body. My waist is small (relatively) but my thighs and hips are bigger, so I don't fit pants well. On top of this I have a rather large chest, so I'm jelous of people who can wear cute tops and don't have to think about buying a few sizes larger to fit the bigger parts of their body. People like me would really appreciate a line of clothing that is made for weirdly shaped people. But, I love to shop for school supplies, and personal hygeine products, and kitchen stuff. Oh, and anything to do with organization. Anything that doesn't have to fit on my body.

4. I almost never hear complete silence cause I can't stop thinking
I talk to myself in my head, a lot. My mind is constantly in high gear. Contemplating everything. This is exaserbated during the morning hours when I'm making the commute to school. I often wonder what other people are thinking about, or what they do outside of GO-train time. If I gave into compulsions easily, I would follow people and shadow them for a day.

5. I lucid dream
The first time I had a lucid dream, I was about 12 and it scared the shit out of me. I was dreaming but I knew I was dreaming and I wanted to wake up. But every time I thought I'd woken up, I soon realized I just dreampt I'd woken up. It was frustrating, and all the while gravity felt heavy but I was floating. There was a buzzing like I could hear radio waves or something. After many years I have learned to control these dreams, and I can wake myself up when I want. So it's not so scary. But I never feel like I've slept after.

6. I prefer christmas eve
My family has started a tradition of having a big fantastic meal on Christmas eve. The past few years it has been king crab legs and steak. We sit around for hours eating and talking etc. and then we all open our Christmas eve gift (PJs and a movie). Then we watch movies as a family with the christmas tree all lit up. It's romantic (but not in the guy-girl way - though I'd love to get engaged on christmas eve, but that's a long time coming...)

7. I can't "imagine"
I don't have a visual memory. If I haven't seen you in a while (and I'm talking greater than 24 hours) ten I likely don't remember what you look like. I could describe you relatively well, but I can't close my eyes and "see" you. So, everything in my head is in words more or less. I would hate to go blind because it would be no time before I forgot colours and images.

8. I still journal cause my memory sucks
See above. Because I can't "picture" things, my memory is very bad. I have a hard time recalling information and events unless I have recorded them somewhere. My memory requires that I store much more information than normal people. For example, to remember what an apple looks like, I can't just close my eyes and picture it. Instead I have to store 10 or twelve peices of information about it. It can be red, and round. It can have a stem, and sometimes a leaf attached. etc etc. So, I try to journal a few times a week so my life doesn't dissappear on me. My first stable event memories start at about age 8, but it's broken up until about 17. I still don't remember every-day type events like sitting in class, or what my teachers names were. I couldn't tell you all my teachers names from 3rd year university even.

9. I often feel compelled to stop perfect strangers and tell them they are beautiful, or that their day will surely get better
I don't know why, but when I see people that look sad, or uncomforatable, I feel compelled to tell them they shouldn't feel how they do. I know it's sometimes just because they aren't thinking about anything and their default face is upset looking, but I feel bad for them. I almost never get this compulsion when I see people who are typically beautiful, and I never act on it.

10. I hate spending time in the washroom.
I don't like to sit and relax, or read in the bathroom. I like to do my business and get out. Again, a necessary part of life (like sleep) that still feels like a waste of time.

And again, I finish blogging feeling exposed. Oh I love you.


Blogger Nicki said...

Aimeekins!!! Your #7 trips me out! I *JUST* finished having a conversation with a labmate about this exact thing. I have a good memory, but I think in shapes, rather than detailed figures. i.e.: people are the shapes of their heads with hair, but I don't see eyes, nose, etc. I think about them with feelings and ideas about who they are. I blame my inability to draw on this fact. It's probably why I like photography. The difference seems to be that I, in my mind, still imagine where a certain word/definition/figure might be in a textbook, but it's not because I can SEE it. I Just KNOW where it is on the page. Ya know? Anyways, I feel closer to you because of this :) OH! And thank you sooo much for your sweet comment on my blog the other day. It made me smile :) I am on a crusade to get rid of "retarted" in my lab. I have a conspirator and everyone seems to be cooperative :)

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, Aim, that's fucking weird. you need to learn to read and "sit and relax" on the shitter like most people.

or something. god damn it, you're weird.

8:59 PM  

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