I am officially a new mommy to the cutest puppy on Earth. Her name is Hunny, and she's a 6 1/2 month old yorkshire terrior. Mama Dukes and I went out to Wierton up north to see the litter of pups that we initially were going to choose from. They were super-cute, and I wouldn't have minded taking all of them home, but as cute as they were, it was hard to tell what they were going to look like when they grow up. Their mom is a "blue" and "gold" silky-haired yorkie named lily. We saw here, and she's cute, but not nearly as cute as Kira, who birthed Hunny. Kira is a blue and tan soft-haired yorkie, which is exactly the same as hunny. Basically, they call them "blue" because there is a hint of steal-blue colour in their coat. But they appear black and tan coloured.
I am so super-excited about having Hunny, but it's sad at the same time, because I can't spend every day with her. Unfortunatly, my schedual at school is busy, and I have long days (sometimes at school 14 hours a day). So, I left her in the fabulous care of my family, where I know she'll have company to tend to her most of the day. I wouldn't want my new baby to be lonely. It was an emotional good-bye this morning when I had to come back to school. It was hard enough leaving the family before, but it's only for 3 more months.
I have included pictures, but they seriously don't do her justice. She's cute as a bean, and her personality is one that you can't say no to...hense the reason why we took her home, even though we weren't intending to get a puppy until closer to the summer. Luckily, Hunny has had over 6 months with a breeder who has been careful to train her. She can be groomed standing, and is paper trained (although she's having a bit of a hard time adjusting at her new home). When the weather gets better, we'll train her to do her business outside with kilo.
Speaking of Kilo...she's jelous a little bit, but we have made sure to pay her a little extra attention so she doesn't feel replaced. Luckily, they get along fine for the most part. When Hunny tries to bug Kilo when she's eating it's a bit of a different story, but as with the cat, They'll manage to get along fine I'm sure.
Anyways, I just thought I'd let everyone see my new pride-and-joy.

Me and Hunny, right after we finalized that she was coming home with me.

Hunny all messy, finding a new home on the arm of the couch.

"But mama, I don't want to smile...quit flashing that bright light" (by the way, hunny does smile...it's sooo cute)

Hunny woken up from her nap by the camera flash again...

Hanging out in Rachel's lap...
I will post some more pictures next weekend when I go home again. This time, I'll catch her when she's up and booting around the house, and if I'm lucky I can get her groomed and snap some shots of her with a little ribbon in her hair, it's soo cute.