As I mentioned months ago, I went to the zoo for my birthday, and I took a crap-load of pictures so that I could remember the day, and share it with you! So, I finally got the pictures into the computer and I thought it's about time I throw them up on here.
Above is a cute freakin monkey. I love monkeys, for those of you that didn't know, and I almost stole a couple for my birthday. Unfortunatly the zoo is full of security and chains / glass protecting the animals. Damn them.

On the right there, you'll see a huge tiger that was pretty cool if you ask me. This was one of the animals that I was glad was behind thick fencing. I really considered throwing some peanut butter and jelly sandwich to see if he'd catch it and eat it, but me and Greg decided next time we'd bring him some raw hot dogs, or maybe a tuna. But I thought twice about the tuna, cause I was sure I'd get some looks if
that smell was coming from my bag...

This guy was another cutie, and deserved many pictues. In fact, he modelled for me and even turned around so I could snap a shot of his blue bum. I'll save you seeing that one though, I don't want a lawsuit on my ass. Wait...is naked monkey butt considered porn?? I think so...

Aww, I was inches away from this sleeping beauty. She opened her eyes for just a second, but I couldn't catch it on the camera. As you can imagine, I had to fight and push about 15 children under three to get this photo. Little buggers should learn to respect their elders. In my opinion they should have non-childerens day at the zoo...is that mean?

Aww, another tinsy weensy animal I would have stole if he wasn't behind glass. This little baboon was about as big as a kitten and faster too. I took about 25 pictures, but he kept hiding and running too fast. I figured the only shot he would let me get was his cute little tushie, and I was right.

This lion was peaceful and beautiful, but very far away. For anyone who goes to the zoo, I would be almost tempted to suggest bringing some binoculars.

His mate was pretty georgeous too. Geeze, lions just don't have to work to be beautiful. Humans are so different, and soo much less significant. Well...most anyways.
This is getting long, so I'll show you a couple more cool pictures, and then you can conjure up images of all the other typical animals (elephants, zebras etc. get kinda boring after hundreds of thousands of pictures).

While snapping this photo, Greg stood behind me, shouted "whooo" right in my ear and grabbed my sides. I almost pissed my pants, and I'm sure I let out a bit of a shreek. I felt like a moron, and then I beat him. He deserved it...

Speaking of Greg, I should have thrown him in with this big guy. Payback's a bitch eh?
We decided to pack a half dozen hot dogs for this guy too. He'd be almost cooler then the tiger.

This is a red panda. I had to squirt him with my water bottle to get him up and running around. In fact I did that to a few animals that day, including a porcupine. As an afterthought...pissing of a porcupine is a bad idea. They throw needles, and needles hurt.
OK, OK that's enough. I know you all hate me, and are pissed that I ruined the zoo for you, but trust me, there are many more cool animals. I have another 300 or so pictures to prove it. But I wont...don't worry.
For those of you that love pictures, stay tuned for the rest of my summer adventures. Man, this could get addictive. I'd show party pictures too, but come on, my grandma reads this. (hi grandma! )